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 Transfer Services
 Financial Aid



Grow Enrollment

  1. Enroll 4,500 FTIC and 4,865 transfer students in 2005/06.

  2. Meet state funded enrollment target of 19,603 undergraduate FTEs (total university FTE is 23,142).

  3. Execute plan to recruit and enroll 5,000 FTIC and 4,900 transfer students in 2006/07.

Improve Student Affinity

  1. Provide opportunities for students to conducted their enrollment-related business in an efficient, easy and reliable manner with measurable outcomes on service performance.

  2. Implement training program to strengthen employees' customer service skills, knowledge base and leadership opportunities.

  3. Measure student satisfaction at critical points along the enrollment pathway, e.g. financial aid, graduation, etc. and implement strategies for service improvement for service improvement where necessary.

Enhance Outcomes

  1. Meet BOG/BOT retention and graduation accountability target for full-time FTICs and Florida Community College AA Students.

  2. Retain 83% of entering 2005 full-time FTICs in year two.

Copyright © 2005, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199