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  • Enroll 4,500 FTIC and 4,865 transfer students in 2005/06.
  • In collaboration with Retention Office, develop tracking and communication system to monitor new students’ progression to degree to satisfy BOG/BOT accountability outcomes. 
  • Expand state, national and international recruitment activities to satisfy university’s 2006/07 enrollment goal of 5,000 FTICs and 4,900 transfer students.
  • Execute plan to increase number of high school dual enrollees, Florida Community College AA transfers and non-resident students in the coming year.

  • Streamline the application process to create a single point of entry for recent admits to “re-activate” their application and for previous enrollees to apply for “readmission”.

  • Enroll 4,500 FTIC and 4,865 transfer students in 2005/06.
  • Re-engineeer transfer admission process to include the evaluation, posting and communication of transfer credit results in admission packet for new transfers.

  • In collaboration with Office of Financial Aid, expand relationships with counselors, teachers and parents to promote the university’s academic competitive position and update constituents on financial aid opportunities for their students/children.

  • Develop ambassador program to welcome the university community’s participation in the recruitment and enrollment of new students.

  • Prepare comprehensive report, for submission in October, describing the attributes of the entering class and five year comparison on applicants, admits and enrollees.


Copyright © 2005, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199