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  • Complete development work on the dual degree program proposal between Florida International University and area community colleges by October.  Activate this program in 2006 by planning the initial orientation session of new dual degree candidates, developing a series of communications to these students while at the community college, and scheduling at least two campus events at FIU in the first year of the program.

  • Serve as institutional representative on the statewide course articulation committee; inform faculty (particularly the UCC Oversight Committee) and university representatives of pertinent issues relating to common course numbering, program articulation, transient student form, 2+2 statewide articulation agreements and other issues related to SUS institutions and community colleges.  

  • Develop action plan for posting transfer credits into the students records database such that new students can see their course equivalencies on the unofficial FIU transcript as well as on their SASS report.  This action plan should include a communication to students once their credits have been posted.

  • In collaboration with collegiate representatives, develop and conduct survey on assessing user (faculty advisers) satisfaction with SASS as degree tracking tool.  Report results by November 1st and, based on results, develop plan to correct problems and/or enhance efficiency and expedite the posting of credits and transfer rules. 

  • Develop a special session for undeclared majors at the mandatory transfer student orientations sessions to ensure that undeclared majors have an academic program plan selected prior to registration.  Track these students for the next two semesters to ensure that they have a declared major and they are on track for graduation.

Copyright © 2005, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199