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 Transfer Services
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  • Manage, design and deliver enrollment information, system enhancements and new applications to enable the functional units--- undergraduate admissions, financial aid, registration, transfer services, retention services and the enrollment services center--- to conduct business and deliver service to students in a timely and efficient manner. 

  • Assist functional units in re-engineering high demand business processes that will enable students to submit requests online and receive communication when task is completed.  Specifically, the following interfaces are to be implemented in the coming year:  request a transcript, file for graduation, grade appeals, readmission, reactivation and enrollment verification.

  • To increase enrollment of transfer students, develop communication protocol to notify transfer applicants and/or admits that transfer credits have been evaluated and posted on their unofficial transcript and SASS report.

  • Develop system to group and track undergraduate students’ progress toward degree completion, specifically the select cohorts for the BOG/BOT performance accountability measures and first-year to second-year retention of new FTICs entering in Fall 2005.

  • Assist transfer services in posting transfer credits to students records prior to registration and transferring these credits to the degree audit system.

  • To expedite the graduation certification process, activate all degree milestones in student administration to automate general education, flint, CLAST and Gordon’s rule certification.

  • Assist units in communicating with students electronically by designing and activating the 3Cs protocol within the registrar’s unit and select collegiate units interested in communicating with undergraduate prospects

  • In collaboration with UTS, develop timeline for activating all application and system enhancement to send, receive and process data to recruit, admit, enroll, aid new and continuing students in the coming year.

Copyright © 2005, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199