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 Transfer Services
 Financial Aid
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  • Enhance financial aid processing to ensure that 100% of eligible aid applicants, who apply by the deadline, receive their aid award prior to the payment date.

  • Implement aggressive outreach strategy to increase the number of new and continuing students applying for financial aid.  Provide accessible web base software to enable students and families to estimate expected family contribution and potential financial aid. 

  • Secure, by October 1st, proposals from lenders to educate students about financial aid benefits, guide them through the application process and ensure 100% application and verification completion in timely fashion.  Implement selected strategies by November 15th.

  • Enhance customer service by developing a comprehensive policies and procedures manual; attaining  90% call completion rate within the national service standard (six minutes) and training staff to expedite requests at the first point contact (rather than refer to another counselor).

  • Prepare comprehensive and timely audit and compliance reports.

  • Enroll 4,500 FTIC and 4,865 transfer students in 2005/06.
  • Develop appropriate controls to ensure federal, state and institutional aid is awarded and disbursed on schedule and within budget.  Prepare monthly expenditure reports and, in spring, prepare expenditure projections for coming year.

  • Prepare comprehensive report, for submission in October, summarizing the financial need and academic characteristics, particularly progression towards degree, of the 2004-05 recipients and five-year comparison summary on expenditures and aid trends.

Copyright © 2005, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199