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  • Enhance student services by providing students online opportunities to conduct their registration, records, grade appeals, readmission, enrollment verification, non-degree registration, transcript requests and graduation filing business in an efficient, easy and reliable manner.  Current business practices must be re-engineered to capture requests electronically, acknowledge requests for service,  notify students upon task completion and measure and evaluate outcomes on service performance.  Students must be kept informed about the status and timeline for service delivery.

  • Re-engineer the graduation certification process to expedite release of diplomas within five weeks of graduation.  This re-engineering process should reduce the current ten week timeline by 50%.

  • Conduct regular audit on student enrollment file to ensure level, type, residency, plan, program and degree milestones are accurately recorded in system for board file reporting purposes.

  • Activate the 3Cs communication protocol by October 1st to post registration ‘check-list’ items for student viewing within PantherSoft.  Develop check list communications for key registration functions along the enrollment pathway, e.g. transcript requests, graduation filing, readmission, missing document requests, enrollment verification, etc.

  • Direct staff to become knowledgeable and proficient in administering all policies and procedures within the unit such that they can be re-assigned to expedite service demands during high peak times, e.g., posting degrees, grade appeals, and transcript requests.

Copyright © 2005, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199