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MAT 512 - NSU
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MAC2233 - FIU
MTG1204 - FIU
MAC1114 - FIU
MAC1105 - FIU
MAD1100 - FIU
MGF1106 - FIU
FIU - Lost and Found
MAT1033 - PTC
MAT0024C - PTC
MAT0020C - PTC

graphing paper:

Department of Mathematics
Department of Statistics
Florida International University
University Park
Miami, FL 33199           USA
Secretary (math): (305)348-2743
Secretary (stats): (305)348-2745
FIU E-mail: rameaup@fiu.edu or pavlov.rameau@fiu.edu



The alligators in the neighborhood think that they own the lake, so i kayak prepared...
They have to learn to share the lake.







Tutoring and stuff...


We have three new online resources for students.  Online movies in College Algebra can be found at
Online movies in Precalculus can be found at: http://w3.fiu.edu/math/cine_math/precalculus.htm
Online movies in the non-graphing calculator version of Calculus for Business can be found at

We will be offering live math tutoring over the Internet again.  Some of our best students will be answering
questions pertaining to College Algebra, Precalculus, Trigonometry, Finite Math, Calculus for Business (the non-graphing calculator version), Calculus I and Calculus II.  Students seeking live math help should go to:

From Tom Leness
Free tutoring should be available in GL120 starting this week, M-R 9am-8pm and F. 9am-5pm. 
Students can walk in and ask for a math tutor.   The Learning Center is in the same office and requires appointments.  Students who are told that they need to make an appointment should emphasize that they are asking about the math department tutors who do not require appointments


From Robert Storfer
The URL for the tutoring website is
http://livetutor.fiu.edu/math_index.php. Students must log into the website to establish contact with a tutor.  Tutoring this fall is being offered at the following times: 
Mondays: 5 PM-12 AM
Tuesdays: 2 PM-10 PM
Wednesdays: 5 PM-12 AM
Thursdays: 2 PM-10 PM
Fridays: None
Saturdays: 8 AM–2 PM
Sundays: 10 AM-2 PM and 4 PM-10 PM
From Mike Rosenthal
The Math Department has two tutors that provide free tutoring in MGF 1107:
Olivia Shand (MW noon-3pm) and Randi Cabezas (M 3-4pm, Tu noon-4pm, W 11am-noon, Th noon-4pm)
We also have an online tutor, Chris Campos, who is available Saturdays 8am-2pm at


Stats Teaching Assistants available in DM409C Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:30am-4:30pm and Tuesday, Thursday: 9:30am-3:00pm.

We will be offering live stats tutoring over the internet.
Go to www.fiu.edu/~statutor
Monday through Thursday: 9:00am-12:00pm
Friday: 9:00am-5:00pm


Tutoring Services

Learning Center, AC1-160, tel. 305-919-5927

FREE tutoring sponsored by the Math Department - Heather Spiegel tutors all levels in AC1-374, Mon-Thurs. 08:00-13:30

College Study Skills and Strategies

Cinemath Live Online

Multicultural Student Services GC 216, or call (305)348-2436

Math Department at DM 409C

Learning Center in PC 247, appt suggested, (305)348-2180

 Please be advised that there are other tutoring services available at FIU that cover a large collection of courses. For more information you may contact the Learning Center for Mathematics and Statistics at 305-348-2180 at UP or 305-919-5927 at BBC. Also, Minority Students Services can be reached at 305-348-2436.



Mathematical Career Information


Dr. Pavlov Rameau can be reached at:

Mailing address
P.O. Box 12646, Miami, Florida 33101
Electronic mail  
General Information: rameaup@fiu.edu
On MSN or Yahoo, use screen name: pavlovrameau; on AOL, use: doctorrameau.
or at the Foundation for the Advancement of Higher Education, Inc. FAdHiEd: To help all people reach their highest potential!
Send mail to rameaup@fiu.edu with questions or comments about this web site.  Copyright © 2003-07 Pavlov Rameau, Ph.D.  All rights reserved.  The opinions expressed on this site do not necessarily reflect those of Florida International University.   They are Dr. Rameau's and should be interpreted with the sense of humor that is at their source.   Copies, links and references to other authors are protected under the "educational purpose" section of the U.S. copyright laws.  Last automatically updated 09/12/2010 10:48:33 AM. 
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