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MAT 512 - NSU



Pre-Algebra and Elementary Number Theory for Teachers

Levels: Masters, Education Specialist - GTEP
Attributes: WebCT Enhanced Section
Instructors: Veon Stewart (P)

Miramar, FL Campus
Distance Edu:Oth Technologies Schedule Type
Face to Face with Instructor Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

This course is scheduled to be taught Wednesday nights, from 5:00pm to 9:30pm, Summer 2009.

This course will require graduate students to complete applied professional experiences in Math Education in K-12 educational settings. A major outcome of this class will enable graduate students to analyze assessment data and plan appropriate math programs for a targeted population. The course focuses on providing opportunities for graduate students to learn how to assemble a Mathematics Assistance Project using mentors.
3.000 Credit Hours
3.000 Lecture hours

Fischler Sch Edu/Hum Serv College
Masters Division
FSEHS - GTEP Department

May not be enrolled in one of the following Degrees:     
      Master of Arts


Dr. Pavlov Rameau can be reached at:

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P.O. Box 12646, Miami, Florida 33101
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General Information: rameaup@fiu.edu
On MSN or Yahoo, use screen name: pavlovrameau; on AOL, use: doctorrameau.
or at the Foundation for the Advancement of Higher Education, Inc. FAdHiEd: To help all people reach their highest potential!
Send mail to rameaup@fiu.edu with questions or comments about this web site.  Copyright © 2003-07 Pavlov Rameau, Ph.D.  All rights reserved.  The opinions expressed on this site do not necessarily reflect those of Florida International University.   They are Dr. Rameau's and should be interpreted with the sense of humor that is at their source.   Copies, links and references to other authors are protected under the "educational purpose" section of the U.S. copyright laws.  Last automatically updated 09/12/2010 10:48:33 AM. 
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