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Statistics - FIU


STA2023 - FIU
STA2122 - FIU

Most of the Internet research for this class can be done through:









Ostersund, Sweden


bulletOnline quizzes in www.thetestingcenter.com and follow the links to my class or
bulletgo directly to: http://www.thetestingcenter.com/tests/pavlov  the password is the last 4 digits of your STUDENT I.D.
bulletHelp in Statistics department DM409C Monday-Wed 9am to 6pm and Thursday-Friday 9am to 7pm

Help with Graphing Calculators

Help for TI Calculators




http://www.mathbits.com (follow the links to TI Section, Statistics, Basic Commands)

More help
Chapter 0 Getting Started on the TI-82 or TI-83
Chapter 1 Visualizing Data Using Statistics Menus
Chapter 2 Scatter Plots and Introduction to Graphing
Chapter 3 Finding Average Rate of Change
Chapter 4 Graphing Linear Functions
Chapter 5 Linear Regression Equations                   
Chapter 6 Intersecting Lines


Dr. Pavlov Rameau can be reached at:

Mailing address
P.O. Box 12646, Miami, Florida 33101
Electronic mail  
General Information: rameaup@fiu.edu
On MSN or Yahoo, use screen name: pavlovrameau; on AOL, use: doctorrameau.
or at the Foundation for the Advancement of Higher Education, Inc. FAdHiEd: To help all people reach their highest potential!
Send mail to rameaup@fiu.edu with questions or comments about this web site.  Copyright © 2003-07 Pavlov Rameau, Ph.D.  All rights reserved.  The opinions expressed on this site do not necessarily reflect those of Florida International University.   They are Dr. Rameau's and should be interpreted with the sense of humor that is at their source.   Copies, links and references to other authors are protected under the "educational purpose" section of the U.S. copyright laws.  Last automatically updated 09/12/2010 10:48:33 AM. 
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