The Frost Art Museum caters to all schools (K-12) through a variety of educational programs. The Frost Art Museum collaborates with Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) curriculum supervisors to meet M-DCPS Curriculum Based Competency Goals, the Sunshine State Standards for Arts Education, and state and national School-to-Work Initiatives. Find out if your class is eligible to take a tour, participate in our 5th and 2nd grade ArtSmart programs or exhibit in our annual Creative Visions exhibition!
ArtSmart | Tours | Teacher Workshops | Creative Visions
ArtSmart is an expanded visual arts educational program that serves fifth and second grade students in Title-1 schools throughout Miami-Dade County. ArtSmart brings accessible visual arts programming to low-income minority students. ArtSmart exposes children to basic visual arts concepts, the art museum, and the university environment at an early age. This program, offered to fifth and second grade classes, provides an opportunity to experience a tour of the Museum’s featured exhibition or the Sculpture Park at FIU, as well as participate in hands-on art activities. The Museum provides teachers with student workbooks which are completed in the classroom prior to the field trip, in addition to comprehensive lesson plan booklets which include a compilation of easy-to-conduct and affordable post-visit art activities. If you would like your class to participate in the ArtSmart program please Department of Education at 305.348. 2890.

M-DCPS Art Teachers
If you are an Art Teacher with Miami-Dade Public Schools and would like to schedule a tour for your class, please contact Museum Educator, Allison Burrus at 305.667.0406. All tours scheduled through the Museum Educator may be eligible for free bus transportation from Miami-Dade County Public Schools.
M-DCPS Title-1 Schools (5th & 2nd Grades)
If you would like your class to participate in the ArtSmart program please contact Department of Education 305.348.2890.
Other schools & community groups
Private schools, community organizations and groups of ten or more are welcome to arrange tours through the Department of Education, 305.348.2890.
Teacher Workshops
The Frost Art Museum administers teacher workshops related to selected exhibitions in conjunction with Miami-Dade County Public Schools and the Division of Life Skills. Workshop participants receive classroom resource materials including educational packets, sample curriculum, slides/visuals and pre- and post-visit activities, as well as Teacher Education Center (TEC) points towards re-certification.
Each workshop consists of a one-day training. The workshops begin with a tour of the exhibition. The morning seminar, led by an area-teaching specialist, includes exhibition-related curriculum lessons in correlation to the Sunshine State Standards. The afternoon seminar offers an opportunity to attain hands-on studio skills with the guidance of a local professional artist working in the media presented in the exhibition.
"The 2008 workshop will be held on October 24, 2008 from 9am - 3:00 pm. Early Bird Sign-Up $20 Regular Sign-Up $30"
Space is limited and reservations are required. Please contact Nicole Espaillat at 305.348.2980.
Creative Visions
Creative Visions, an annual exhibition of student art work from District 11 public schools, was conceived in 2004 to highlight the artistic accomplishments of the our District’s K-12 schoolchildren. This annual exhibit is a unique partnership between the Museum, the District 11 Commissioner Joe A. Martinez’s office, the Miami-Dade Department of Cultural Affairs, the Division of Life Skills – Art Education Program, and the Miami-Dade County Public Schools. Numerous pieces of two and three-dimensional artwork from each elementary, middle and high school within District 11 are selected by a panel of judges for display, and the creators of the top three works in each level receive a scholarship to an arts camp for the summer. Awards are presented by Commissioner Joe A. Martinez to the students during the opening reception. Other speakers at the opening reception include Administrative Director, Division of Life Skills & Special Projects, Miami-Dade County Public Schools, Lilia Garcia, Director, and the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, Michael Spring. This innovative partnership provides a unique opportunity for the community to familiarize themselves with the Frost Art Museum and Florida International University and what these institutions have to offer, while actively supporting the creative endeavors of the district’s youth. The exhibition has been extremely successful with attendance reaching over 600 guests.