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MAC 1114
Spring 2006
Instructor: Dr. Pavlov Rameau
Office Hours: By
appointment only in DM 423 |
Phone: (305)609-6053,
but the quickest way to reach me is by email. |
Online Office Hours:
appointment only using mymathlab.com chat room, and aol (doctorrameau),
msn or yahoo (pavlovrameau) |
rameaup@fiu.edu |
If you see a note posted saying that a test is canceled, make sure it is on
FIU stationary and wait until the starting time of class before leaving.
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Topics include Trigonometric functions, identities,
conditional equations, polar coordinates, vectors, polar graphs, complex
numbers, DeMoivre's theorem, and conic sections.
MAC 1105 with a grade of C or higher. Students without this
prerequisite will be dropped from the course. This course is not
open to students with credit in MAC 2147.
Algebra and Trigonometry, 7th edition, by Michael Sullivan
You are required to use the MathXL
software that will be used for your optional homework grade.
Last semester showed that students who do the online homework
assignments get much higher test grades than those who do not. If
you buy a new textbook from the FIU bookstore, it will come packaged
with an access code that will allow you free access to the site.
Otherwise, you may purchase (for $19.95) access from the
web site.
A student solutions manual is available, but is not necessary to
purchase since we provide all solutions online at
You will be prompted for a username and password when you click on a
section. They are as follows, all lower case:
username: math
password: algebra
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This matches the previous (7th edition)
6.1-6.3, 8.1, 6.4-6.8, 7.1-7.8, 8.2-8.3,
9.1, 9.2, 1.3, 9.3, 9.4, 10.2-10.4
New outline soon.
Grading: The first test will be given and graded before
the official “DROP/REFOUND” deadline. There will be 3 tests and a
cumulative final exam, each worth 100 points.
Exam 1: 25%
Exam 2: 25%
Exam 3: 25%
Final Exam: Cumulative (2 hours and 30 minutes)
MathXL homework will be
part of your class participation. Those of you doing the online MathXL homework will still have to
do some offline homework from the text to be adequately prepared for my
tests. Offline homework is not turned in and does not count towards your
homework grade, but is necessary to do in order to be fully prepared for
tests. For MathXL homework, please pay attention to the due dates listed
on the MathXL web site.
grading scale is as follows:
77-79 |
D |
60-63 |
A- |
87-89 |
C+ |
74-76 |
D- |
57-59 |
B+ |
84-86 |
C |
67-73 |
F |
0-56 |
B |
80-83 |
D+ |
64-66 |
I will NEVER "curve" grades or
drop your lowest grade.
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On test days, attendance is required. There are NO MAKEUP TESTS. If you
miss a test and, in the opinion of the instructor, the absence is
excusable, your final exam will count as two grades. If the absence is
not excusable, you will receive a zero on the test missed. Be prepared
to document your excuse with a traffic ticket, hospital bill, arrest
form, etc. A doctor's note is not acceptable unless it says "(student's
name) was unable to attend school on (date of test)." Tardiness is
permitted on test days without penalty although you will have less time
on the test than everyone else. If you are so late that someone has
already turned in their test before you arrive, you will not be allowed
to take the test
tests must be written using pencil. A scientific calculator is required.
Graphing calculators are prohibited on tests.
Beepers and Cell phones:
Beepers and cell phones must be turned off during tests. The
vibrate mode is not considered turned off. Beepers and cellular
phones must not be visible to you or me. If they are on your belt, they
are visible. If they are in your book bag or pocket, they are not.
Violations of this policy will result in you having to put the beeper or
cell phone in the hallway immediately outside the class. If you are
afraid it will be stolen, you may choose to leave with it, but you will
not be readmitted to the test and all unanswered test questions will be
marked wrong.
DROPS are not initiated by Dr. Rameau. If you stop attending, you
must drop this class yourself to avoid a grade of F. The deadline for
dropping classes with a grade of DR is...
Florida Legislature has mandated a tuition surcharge for the third time
a student either takes or attempts a college credit course. For more
information on this charge, including possible appeal of this surcharge,
http://www.fiu.edu/orgs/register/surcharge.htm. This charge should
serve as additional motivation for you not to have to retake this
course. In other words, DO THE HOMEWORK!!!
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Includes (but is not limited to) giving or receiving assistance on a
test, quiz, or homework assignment for which such assistance is not
permitted, falsifying a document to obtain an excusal from a test,
having another person use a phony ID to take a test for you, and using
unauthorized notes on a test or quiz. A more complete definition of
Academic Misconduct is given on pp.120-121 of the Student Handbook.
Penalties for Academic Misconduct range from an F in the course to
expulsion from the university.