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Chapter IV


Filing the Manuscript


Final copies of the thesis or dissertation must be delivered to the University Graduate School in a sturdy box with a cover. Manuscript should NOT be brought bound, stapled, folded or hole-punched. Do not include personal information such as telephone or social security numbers on box. Tape a copy of the title page to the cover of the box.


A. Filing Procedures for the Doctoral Dissertation

    (If filing a thesis, skip to Section B)


Before the final copies of the dissertation are brought to the University Graduate School, the following forms must be on file with that office. The candidate must obtain a graduate packet and the graduate forms at the University Graduate School website at All information on forms must be typed as required. This includes the names of the committee members where the signatures are to be affixed.



To be submitted at the time your committee is formed but no later than four (4) semesters before the anticipated graduation term.




It certifies successful completion of candidacy examination and admission to candidacy for the doctoral degree. Be advised that if Form D2 has not been signed by the Dean of the University Graduate School, students will not be allowed to register for dissertation credits. Indicate if credits from master’s degree will be counted toward doctoral degree. Attach a copy of the master’s degree transcript.



To be submitted no later than three (3) semesters before the anticipated graduation term.

A copy of the proposal, not to exceed five (5) pages, must be attached to Form D3. The format of the proposal is discussed in Introduction in this manual. A sample of a proposal can be found in Appendix 3. If using human or animals subjects for research submit copy of memorandum of approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) or the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), respectively.




The form is used to indicate the progress the student is making towards the completion of the dissertation. To be submitted for the first time within a year after Form D3 and at least yearly thereafter until the dissertation is completed.






The signatures of the committee members certify review of the dissertation considering it to be suitable for defense. A complete draft of the dissertation must be submitted with Form D5. In addition, a printed copy of the defense announcement must be attached to the form. The defense announcement must include the following components: 1) purpose of the research, 2) methods, 3) results, and 4) conclusion.


The announcement should not exceed one page and must follow the format on Appendix 4. Email the defense attachment to


Form D5, the complete draft of the dissertation and the announcement must be submitted to the University Graduate School three (3) weeks before date of defense. Defense of the dissertation must be scheduled no later than the advertised semester deadline.


Note: The University Graduate School will review the dissertation draft for format. The candidate must make the corrections suggested before bringing the final copies to the University Graduate School.



This document announces the outcome of the dissertation defense. It must be filed in the University Graduate School no later than two (2) weeks after the date of the defense.



This form must be filed with the University Graduate School after the final copy of the dissertation has been approved by the committee members and the dean of the College/School.


At the time of filing final copies, doctoral students must bring to the University Graduate School:


Ø     Form D7 – Final Approval of Dissertation


Ø     Three (3) copies of the dissertation


o      2 copies printed on 25% cotton, 20 or 24 pounds, white paper

o      1 copy on regular paper


Ø     Receipt of microfilming payment from the Cashier's Office


Ø     ProQuest Information and Learning (former UMI) agreement form, and


Ø     Survey of Earned Doctorates for the National Science Foundation (NSF)


Signatures of committee members, chairperson of the department, graduate program director and the dean of the College/School must be obtained prior to submission of forms to the University Graduate School.




B. Filing Procedures for the Master's Thesis


Before the final copies of the thesis are brought to the University Graduate School, the following forms must be on file with that office. The candidate must obtain a graduate packet and the graduate forms at the University Graduate School website at All information on forms must be typed as required. This includes the names of the committee members where the signatures are to be affixed.



To be submitted at the time your committee is formed but no later than 2 semesters before the anticipated graduation term.



To be submitted no later than one (1) semester before the anticipated graduation term.

A copy of the proposal, not to exceed five (5) pages, must be attached to Form M2. The format of the proposal is discussed in Introduction in this manual. A sample of a proposal can be found in Appendix 3. If using human or animals subjects for research submit copy of memorandum of approval from Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), respectively.




The signatures of the committee members certify review of the thesis considering it to be suitable for defense. A complete draft of the thesis must be submitted with Form M3. In addition, a printed copy of the defense announcement must be attached to the form. The defense announcement must include the following components: 1) purpose of the research, 2) methods,

3) results, and 4) conclusion.


The announcement should not exceed one page and must follow the format on Appendix 5.  Email the defense attachment to


Form M3, the complete draft of the thesis and the announcement must be submitted to the University Graduate School three (3) weeks before date of defense. Defense of the thesis must be scheduled no later than the advertised semester deadline.


Note: The University Graduate School will review the thesis draft for format. The candidate must make the corrections suggested before bringing the final copies to the University Graduate School.



This document announces the outcome of the thesis defense. It must be filed in the University Graduate School no later than two (2) weeks after the date of the defense.



This form must be filed with the University Graduate School after the final copies of the thesis has been approved by the committee members and the dean of the College/School.


At the time of filing final copy, master's students must bring to the University Graduate School:


Ø     Form M5 – Final Approval of Thesis, and


Ø     One (1) copy of the thesis printed on 25% cotton, 20 or 24 pounds, white paper


Signatures of committee members, chairperson of the department, graduate program director and the dean of the College/School must be obtained prior to submission of forms to the University Graduate School.


C. Last Date for Filing


The deadline for filing the thesis or dissertation in final form is the last day of classes by 5:00 p.m. The exact date for each semester is printed in our calendar (Thesis/Dissertation Deadlines) available online at


Students are encouraged to file as early in a semester as possible. The manuscript must be filed with the University Graduate School in person by either the student or his representative. Under no circumstances will a manuscript be accepted through the mail.


A disabled person requiring special arrangements may call the University Graduate School at 305-348-2455 for an appointment in advance of filing the manuscript.


D. Binding of Thesis/Dissertation


As previously mentioned in this chapter, doctoral students should bring 3 copies of the dissertation and master's students should bring 1 copy of the thesis to the University Graduate School. The copy of the thesis and two copies of dissertation will be bound and sent to the University Library. The third copy of the dissertation is mailed to ProQuest Information and Learning for microfilming. Students do not have to pay binding fees for the copies sent to the University Library.


Students desiring to have personal copies of their thesis or dissertation bound by a professional book binder need to make their own arrangements. The University Graduate School has a list of binding companies that provide this service. However, students are free to work with any company they choose.


Some departments require students to submit bound copies of the thesis/dissertation. Check with your department to determine how many copies you will need, if any.


E. Microfilming and Copyrighting of Thesis/Dissertation


Doctoral students are required to have the dissertation microfilmed with ProQuest Information and Learning (former UMI). Copyrighting is optional.


Master's students are not required to microfilm or copyright the thesis. Those students desiring to copyright the thesis through ProQuest Information and Learning must also have it microfilmed.


Master's students desiring to microfilm and copyright the thesis must bring a third copy of the thesis at the time of filing final copies with the University Graduate School.


Fees for microfilming and copyrighting must be paid at the FIU Cashier's Office and the receipt brought to the University Graduate School at the time of filing the manuscript. Before going to the Cashier’s Office, fill out the ProQuest Information and Learning payment memorandum included in the graduate packet from our website at


For specific information concerning microfilming and copyrighting fees, laws and procedures please refer to Chapter III of this manual.


F.  Important Regulations


Dissertation or Thesis Enrollment Requirement


After a doctoral student is admitted to candidacy, continuous registration for at least three (3) dissertation credits hours each semester (including the summer term) is required until the dissertation requirement is fulfilled. Once enrollment in thesis credits is initiated, continuous registration for at least one (1) thesis credit hour each semester (including the summer term) is required until the thesis requirement is fulfilled.


Admission to Candidacy (Doctoral Students)


The student working toward a doctoral degree is reminded that Form D2 – Program for Doctoral Degree and Application for Candidacy must be filed with the University Graduate School as soon as the qualifying examination has been passed. Doctoral students who have not advanced to candidacy will not be allowed to register for dissertation credits.


Application for Graduation


Students who expect to graduate must apply for their degrees before the advertised semester deadline at the Office of the Registrar, Department of Graduation. See University Academic Calendar for deadlines.


Research Involving Human Subjects or Animal Research


All research involving human and animal subjects must follow federal guidelines and must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) or the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), respectively, prior to the commencement of such proposed research.


In summary, there is human subject involvement when living human beings are asked to participate physically in an activity or to donate their tissue, organs, fluids and other bodily materials; when human beings or their environment is manipulated; when information is sought from them directly (as through interview, examination, or questionnaire) or indirectly (as through observation), and when information concerning specific, individually identifiable a human being is asked for from third parties--whether through access to files, data banks, or other depositories--or through direct inquiry.


Animal subjects are any live, vertebrate animals used or intended for use in research, research training, experimentation, or biological testing or for related purposes. Research or experiments utilizing animal subjects, including tissue taken from live vertebrates for the purpose of research, must be submitted for review by the IACUC.


For additional information and guidance regarding application submission for research involving human and animal subjects visit the IRB and IACUC websites maintained by the Division of Sponsored Research and Training Compliance Office at  You may also contact the Compliance Coordinator at


For other important regulations, the student can access the Graduate Policies and Procedures Manual at the University Graduate School website at




Ignorance of a rule or a deadline does

NOT constitute a basis for waiving that rule or deadline.