Frequently Asked Questions
Practical Questions
Academic Questions
Practical Answers
do I become a certified translator or interpreter?
Translation and Interpreting are unregulated professions in the U.S. There is
no license or certification that is universally accepted. In general, the more
credentials you have, the better. For Translators, the most widely recognized
credential is Accreditation by the ATA, obtained by passing a rigorous
translation exam. For Interpreters, the matter is more complicated, with
different agencies having their own exam. The Federal Interpreter Certification
is the most widely recognized, but less than 4% of candidates have ever passed
this rigorous exam. Qualification by the Consortium for State Courts allows you
to do court interpreting in any of the 20+ states that belong to the Consortium.
In addition, local courts may have their own qualifying exam. Also, NAJIT is
preparing a new national accreditation exam for judiciary interpreters. In order
to work in Immigration Court, you must pass the Berlitz Immigration Interpreters
Exam. Finally, major providers of interpretation services, such as Berlitz and
LanguageLine, have their own qualification exam in consecutive interpreting,
which they require of their staff and free-lance interpreters. You will learn
more about this and other aspects of the profession in the Foundations courses,
SPT-3800 and SPT-3812.
this program lead to job opportunities?
Yes. There is a lot of demand for translators and interpreters. There is also competition. Our program will afford you extensive training, but remember that you must supply the talent and the effort. We regularly receive announcements of job opportunities and recommendation requests. These are passed on to our students, together with professional advice. In addition, we regularly invite major providers of T&I services to give recruiting workshops and presentations to our students. We encourage our students to start doing some paid work in the field as they study, in order to acquire valuable experience. Finally, since many of our students are already professional translators and interpreters, you will have ample opportunity to network, learn, and acquire useful leads from each other. Keep in mind, however, that our program's mission is to advance the individual and the profession through education and research. We are not a job placement agency. We will give you the information, but it is up to you to get the job. Be resourceful. Many of our program graduates now hold top positions in the field.
long does it take to finish the program?
Our program is designed for people who work, and who can comfortably take only two courses per semester on evenings and Saturdays. At this rate of two courses per semester, it will take two academic years and the intervening summer to finish the 10 courses or 30 credits the program requires. However, if you study full time, 4 courses per semester, you can finish in one year (two semesters and a summer).
I need to join the program in order to start taking T&I classes?
No. You can simply register as a "Non-Degree Seeking Student"
(See "How do I register?" below). The university allows you to take up
to five courses before declaring an affiliation to any particular program. So
you can take any course, up to five, without any commitment. We recommend,
however, that you begin with the "Foundations" courses, SPT-3800
and/or SPT-3812. Later in the semester, if you decide to join the program
officially, just fill out a "Certificate Program Application"
(available at the Registrar's Office or at the T&I Program Director's
Office) and send it together with copies of your transcripts to the T&I
Program Director.
and where are the classes held?
We offer on average eight T&I courses per semester. Most are on
evenings and Saturdays. SPT-3800 and SPT-3812 are offered every semester,
typically on Saturday morning and afternoon, so you can do both the same day. An
alternate session of SPT-3800 is usually offered during the week. SPT-4801 and
SPT-4802 are typically offered once a year. Other program courses are rotated
typically once every three semesters (i.e., every year and a half). All courses
are generally offered at University Park (south campus), and occasionally at
Biscayne Bay (north campus).
there any courses offered in the summer?
Generally, program courses are not offered in the summer. These are
designed as full-semester, 14-week courses, whereas summer sessions are only six
weeks long. In turn, SPT-4940/4941, the T/I Internships, are normally offered only
in the summer. Also, many university-wide courses accepted as
"electives" for the T/I certificates are offered in the summer. In
short, summers are ideal for taking care of electives and the internship.
Remember that FIU has two summer sessions, A and B. Plan ahead.
there any distance learning courses?
SPT-4809, Medical Translation, has been offered as a Web-based, distance
learning course. SPT-3800, Foundations of Translation, will be the next
Web-based addition. Eventually we hope to offer a Web-based version for all
translation courses. Interpreting courses need synchronous audiovisual contact,
beyond the text-based platforms of translation courses. We are studying the
feasibility of distance learning interpreting courses via real-time video
conferencing and virtual classroom platforms. Clearly, distance learning will be
a central part of our program's future.
is the cost per course?
For current costs follow the link below to "FIU Admissions, Registration & Financial Aid"; then click "Student Fees". Each T&I course is 3 undergraduate credits. Given that FIU is a state university, Florida residents pay a reduced tuition. To qualify as a Florida resident you must: a) be a U.S. citizen or resident alien, and b) show the Registrar's Office documentation of your Florida address going back at least one year. For further information visit the Registrar's Office Website at the link below.
Link to: FIU Admissions, Registration & Financial Aid
there financial aid available?
Yes. In addition to general aid available through the FIU Financial Aid Office, our T&I Program has a limited scholarship fund specifically for T&I students, thanks to the generous contributioon of LanguageLine Services, Inc. Application forms for the LanguageLine Scholarship are available at T&I Program Director's office. For general financial aid, follow the link below.
Link to: FIU Admissions,
Registration & Financial Aid
do I register?
When you register for the first time, it is best to register as a "Non-Degree Seeking Student." Later in the semester you can apply for admission into the Certificate Program. Due to the large number of students registering at the university, Certificate Program Applications cannot be processed during Open Registration Period. Instead, you should wait until mid semester. If you live in South Florida and you are registering for the first time at FIU, you must come in person to the Registrar's Office at either campus. For further information and instructions, follow the links below.
an international student with questions about visas.
Contact the FIU Office of
International Student and Scholar Services. You should also contact your
local consulate or embassy and visit the U.S.
Immigration and Naturalization Service Website for official information.
Academic Answers
if I already have a B.A. or an M.A. in another discipline?
You are not alone. Most of our students already have degrees and follow
our program for continuing education or to diversify within their present
occupation. This is an academic certificate program, not a degree program. As
such, it is independent from any degrees you may hold. However, if you already
have a B.A. or M.A., you may be eligible to receive credit for the
"elective courses" in the program. If you wish to receive credit, send
copies of your transcripts to the Program Director.
you offer a B.A. or an M.A. in T&I?
A Masters Degree is in our future plans. Currently, we offer a 30-credit Academic Certificate, which is more than a Minor and less than a Major. Our program courses count toward the Spanish Major. Thus, if you do not have a Bachelors Degree, you should consider using our credits to complete a B.A. in Spanish.
Note that this is a professional level program. Even though, technically speaking, it offers undergraduate credits, the level of our courses is quite high.
I need to take the "Pre-requisites"?
The "Pre-requisites" are for students who need to strengthen one
of their working languages. Normally, students register first for the
"Foundations" courses, SPT-3800 and/or SPT-3812. Depending on your
performance in these courses, the instructor or the program director may require
you to take one or more of the "Pre-requisites." If you are in doubt
as to what course to take, call the Program Director, who will be able to assess
your individual need in a brief telephone interview.
there an entrance or exit exam?
No. The purpose of an entrance exam is to predict success in program
courses. We believe that this aim is best served by simply taking the
"Foundations" courses, SPT-3800 and/or SPT-3812, and seeing how well
you do. This, in turn, will allow you to determine if T&I is for you, and if
you want to pursue it further. We do not require an exit exam either. You have
the right to receive a certificate so long as you complete each of the required
courses with a grade of C or better. Instead of an exit exam, we recommend that
the students take the various professional accreditation/certification exams, in
order of difficulty, as soon as they feel prepared.
I receive credit for T&I coursework done elsewhere?
Yes. You can receive credit for the "electives" and for a
maximum of three (3) program courses. Decisions are made on an individual basis
in consultation with the Program Director. Credit is contingent upon
satisfactory performance in other program courses. If you wish to be considered
for transfer credit, please send copies of your transcripts to the Program
Director. Note that academic credit cannot be given for previous work or
professional experience, only for equivalent, upper-level university coursework.
I finish one of the certificates, how many more courses do I need to complete
the second one?
Two to five more courses will get you a second certificate. Notice that
the "Core Courses" --SPT-3800, SPT-3812, SPT-4801, and SPT-4802-- are
required for both the Translation and the Interpretation certificates. Also,
SPT-4803, Legal Translation, is valid for both. Then it is a matter of finishing
the remaining requirements for the second certificate. Note, however, that the
same courses cannot be used as "electives" for both. That is, each
certificate must have its own "electives."