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Margarita Azmitia, Moin Syed, Kimberley Radmacher

Azmitia, M., Syed, M., & Radmacher, K. A. (Eds.). (in press). The intersections of personal and social

              identities. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 120. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Brief Description. This volume brings together an interdisciplinary set of social scientists who are pioneering ways to research and theorize the connections between personal and social identity development in children, adolescents, and emerging adults. The authors of the seven chapters address the volume’s three goals: (1) illustrating how theory and research in identity development are enriched by an interdisciplinary approach, (2) providing a rich developmental picture of personal and social identity development, and (3) examining the connections among multiple identities. Several chapters provide practical suggestions for individuals, agencies, and schools and universities that work with children, adolescents, and emerging adults in diverse communities across the United States.

Other Info: Contact msyed@ucsc.edu for table of contents and see http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-CAD.html to order a copy of the volume (due out in Summer 2008)


Jim Côté

Côté, J. E. & Allahar, A. Ivory Tower Blues: A University System in Crisis. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007. 
Côté, J. E. & Allahar, A. Critical Youth Studies: A Canadian Focus. Toronto: Pearson Education, 2006. 
Book Chapters:
Côté, J. E. “Identity and self development,” Handbook of Adolescent Psychology 3rd edition, edited by 
             Richard M. Lerner & Laurence Steinberg, Wiley, forthcoming, 2008.
Côté, J. E. “Youth identity studies: History, Controversies, and Future Directions?,” in International handbook of 
             youth and young adulthood, edited by Andy Furlong, Routledge International Handbook Series, UK, forthcoming 2008.
Côté, J. E. “Capital ideas: Youth and the provision of resources,” in Youth and Social Capital, edited by John Bynner 
            and Helena Helve, Tufnell Press, UK, 2007.
Côté, J. E. “Emerging adulthood as an institutionalized moratorium: Risks and benefits to identity formation.” 
            In J. J. Arnett & J. Tanner (Eds.), Emerging adults in America: Coming of age in the 21st century. Washington, DC: 
            American Psychological Association, 2006. 


Ian McMahan

McMahan, I. (2008). Adolescence. Boston: Ally & Bacon.

Brief Description. A comprehensive undergraduate text with an ecological systems approach and a focus on positive development.

Other Info: This is what I have been doing for the last half dozen years!


Schwartz, Seth

Schwartz, S. J., Luyckx, K., & Vignoles, V. L. (Eds.) (forthcoming). Handbook of identity theory and research. New York: Springer. 

Brief Description: Edited handbook of identity – to cover areas such as personal identity, ethnic/cultural identity, gender identity, sexual identity, religious/spiritual identity, moral/civic identity, national identity, organizational identity, social identity processes, identity maintenance and presentation strategies, and postmodernist perspectives on identity.

Other Info: Several SRIF members, including Jane Kroger and Jim Marcia, Michael Berzonsky, Al Waterman, Koen Luyckx, Bart Soenens, Hal Grotevant, and Adriana Umaña-Taylor will be writing chapters. We will also have chapters written by scholars in many other sub-disciplines of identity outside of SRIF, such that this handbook will represent one of the first compilations including such a broad array of approaches to identity. The book contract has been signed, and the book is expected to be finished by early 2010 and published toward the end of that year


James E. Marcia

Marcia, J. E.   (2007). Theory and measure: The identity status interview In M. Watzlawik & A. Born (Eds.), Capturing identity: Quantitative and qualitative methods (pp. 1-15). Lanham, MD: University Press of America

Brief Description: Discusses theoretical origin of identity statuses and development and advantages of the interview method. Outlines some methodological issues in identity measurement.


Margaret Bale Spencer

Spencer, M. B., Harpalani, V., Cassidy, E., Jacobs, C., Donde, S., Goss, T.,Miller, M.-M., Charles, N., Wilson, S.  (2006). Understanding vulnerability and resilience from a normative development perspective: Implications for racially and ethnically diverse youth. In D. Chicchetti (Ed.) Handbook of Development and Psychopathology. Vol. 1, pp. 627-672. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishers

Spencer, M. B. (2006) Phenomenology and Ecological Systems Theory: Development of Diverse Groups. In W. Damon and R. Lerner (Eds.), (6th Edition) Handbook of Child Psychology, vol. 1, (Chap. 15 Theory Volume) (pp.829-893). New York: Wiley Publishers


Jane Kroger

Kroger, J. (2007). Identity Development: Adolescence through Adulthood, 2nd ed. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, Inc.

Brief Description. A review of varied theoretical approaches to identity followed by an overview of key biological, psychological, and social changes across various phases of adolescent and adult development. Sections on adolescence and adulthood focus on selected special issues of identity.


Libby Balter Blume

Blume, L. B., & Zembar, M. J. (2007). Middle childhood to middle adolescence: Development from ages 8 to 18. Prentice Hall

Brief Description. Advanced undergraduate text focusing specifically on ages 8 to 18 with an illustrative case study in each chapter. Chapter on psychosocial development in adolescence discusses sexual, racial-ethnic, religious, and career identity development. http://vig.prenhall.com/catalog/academic/product/0,1144,0130494909,00.html

Blume, L. B., & De Reus, L. A. (in press). Transnational families and the social construction of identity: Whiteness matters. R. L. Dalla, J. DeFrain, J. Johnson & D. Abbott (Eds.), Strengths and challenges of new immigrant families: Implications for research, policy, education, and service. New York: Lexington.

Brief Description. Using a critical race feminist perspective, explores the intersection of racial-ethnic, religious, and national identities in transnational and immigrant families as they struggle to maintain ties to multiple homeplaces.

Zembar, M. J., & Blume, L. B. (in press). Middle childhood development: A contextual approach. Columbus, OH: Prentice Hall.

Brief Description.  Advanced undergraduate text covering development between ages 6 to 12


Jean Phinney

Berry, J.W., Phinney, Sam, D.L., & Vedder, P. Eds. (2006). Immigrant youth in cultural transition: Acculturation, identity, and adaptation across national contexts. Mahwah  NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Brief Description. This book describes and presents results from an international study of acculturation and identity (ethnic and national) among immigrant youth in 13 countries..

Phinney, J., & Ong, A. (2007).  Ethnic identity development in immigrant families. In J. Landsford, K. Deater-Deckard, & M. Bornstein (Eds.), Immigrant families in America (pp. 51-68). New York: Guilford Publications.

Brief Description. A review article, summarizing research on ethnic identity in the family


Vladimir Skorikov

Skorikov, V. B., & Patton, W. (Editors).  (2007, in press).  Career Development in Childhood and Adolescence.  Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

Patton, W., & Skorikov, V. B. (2007, in press).  Career development in childhood and adolescence: Introduction.  In: V. B. Skorikov & W. Patton (Eds.), Career Development in Childhood and Adolescence.  Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

Skorikov, V. B., & Vondracek, F. W. (2007, in press).  Vocational identity.  In: V. B. Skorikov & W. Patton (Eds.), Career Development in Childhood and Adolescence.  Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.


Skorikov, V. B. (2007, in press).  Adolescent career development and adjustment.   In: V. B. Skorikov & W. Patton (Eds.), Career Development in Childhood and Adolescence.  Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.


Skorikov, V. B., & Patton. W. (2007, in press).  Future directions in research on career development during childhood and adolescence.  In: V. B. Skorikov & W. Patton (Eds.), Career Development in Childhood and Adolescence.  Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.


Brief Description. Edited a forthcoming book, currently with the publisher, scheduled for publication in the fall of 2007.  Authored or co-authored 4 chapters for that book. The book, the first ever volume on career development in childhood and adolescence, is a collection of 19 original chapters written by 26 leading experts from around the world (the authors represent 8 different countries and 4 continents)


Kazumi Sugimura

Sugimura, K. (2007). Transitions in the process of identity formation among Japanese female adolescents: A relational viewpoint. In R. Josselson, A. Lieblich, & D. P. McAdams (Eds.), The meaning of others: Narrative studies of relationships (pp. 117-142). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Brief Description. This chapter illustrates mechanisms of transitions in the process of identity formation with a two-year longitudinal qualitative study. Specifically, this study focused on changes of adolescents’ recognition of the relationships between their own and others’ perspectives in identity exploration. The results showed that a series of an adolescent’s act of meaning making continuously promoted the process of the transitions and this mechanism was consistent with Kegan’s notion of gradual increase of self and other differentiation (Kegan, 1982; Kroger, 2004).


Meike Watzlawik

Watzlawik, M. & Born, A (Eds) (2007). Capturing Identity: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods. University Press of America.

Brief Description. Scientists from six countries, well-known for their work in the field of identity research, explain and comment on methodological approaches used to research identity. This book concentrates on qualitative methods, such as narrative identity analysis or semi-structured interviewing techniques to determine identity status, as well as the quantitative method of using questionnaires. It also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of these methods and their future integration. The reader will be able to learn about qualitative and quantitative research and discover the similarities and differences between the methods of researching identity, depending on research with methodological roots in one field, the other, or in both.



Jennifer Kerpelman

Dunkel, C.. & Kerpelman, J. (Eds) (2006). Possible Selves: Theory, Research, and Application. New York, Nova Science Publishers.

Brief Description. Possible Selves: Theory, Research and Applications represents a sample of the current research being conducted in the area of possible selves. The contributors to the book were chosen to represent a variety of perspectives, and to collectively illustrate some of the different ways that possible selves are being conceptualized, empirically examined and used in interventions.





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Identify Formation]. All rights reserved.
Revised: June 10, 2008