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Summer 2009

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STA-2122: Intro to Statistics I

Text Book: McClave & Sincich, FIU-11th Edition

Recommended Exercises



     Section                                  Page                               Number


Ch 1 Summary                          18                                   1.1, 2, 5, 7, 8


       2.1                                        34                                   2.1-2; 4-6; 7(a-d); 10

       2.2                                        45                                   2.25-28; 37 (histogram)

       2.4                                        58                                   2.46,47; 50-53; 55,56,59,67,68

       2.5                                        65                                   2.69,70; 72-76; 79,83

       2.6                                        72                                   2.86-2.91

       2.7                                        77                                   2.103-104; 109,110,114

       2.8                                        86                                   2.118-121; 124-127

Ch 2 Summary                         101                                  2.159,165,166,171,179a,182                          


       3.1                                       123                                  3.1-7; 9-11; 14

       3.2, 3.3, 3.4                         134                                  3.33-44

       3.5-3.6                                 148                                  3.63-70; 83

Ch 3 Summary                         171                                  3.143-146; 148-150


       4.1                                       184                                 4.1-5

       4.2                                       187                                 4.14-19; 21

       4.3                                       194                                 4.32-38; 41-42

       4.4                                       207                                 4.49-57; 62,63,67,68

Ch 4 Summary                         221                                 4.113; 115-116; 118,125,129 


       5.3                                       246                                 5.22-33; 36-39; 44-46

Ch 5 Summary                         270                                 5.109-112; 115,117


       6.3                                       295                                 6.21-28; 30-32; 34-38


       7.2                                       313                                 7.1-6; 9-13; 21-23

       7.3                                       322                                 7.29-32; 37-43

       7.4                                       331                                 7.47-51; 54-55; 59,61

Ch 7 Summary                         342                                 7.90-92; 95-96; 99-100


       8.1                                       357                                 8.1-4; 6, 8; 14-15      

       8.2                                       363                                 8.18-20; 22-24; 26-29; 31,34

       8.3                                       370                                 8.36-39; 41-44; 47-49; 52

       8.4                                       376                                 8.58; 62-63; 65, 67, 71

       8.5                                       383                                 8.75-77; 80; 83-84

Ch 8 Summary                         401                                 8.134-136; 139,145,148       

STA-2122 Introduction to Statistics I Book Exercises
STA-2122 Introduction to Statistics I Supplementary Exercises
STA-2122 Introduction to Statitics I Vocabulary
STA-2122 Introduction to Statistics I Objectives

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 7
Chapter 8-1
Chapter 8-2
Review I
Review II
Review III
Semester Review




Date (Tues)



1 Thr. June 24 1.1-1.6

practice quizzes  (coming soon) use last four digits of student id for password...

2 June 30 3.1-3.4  




3 July 7 4.1-4.2  
    4.3-4.4 practice quizzes
Thrs. July 9 EXAM 1


4 July 14




5 July 21 7.1-7.4


    7.1-7.4 practice quizzes
Thrs. July 23 EXAM 2  
6 July 28




7 August 4 chp. 8

Progress Report

Thrs. August 8

Final Exam

SHOW WORK (formula used, numbers in formulas, interpretations)

no scrap paper, absolutely no cell phone (OFF, not vibrate, OFF), no sharing calculators, no book bags (leave them in the front)

Do not call me for grades, email me with your student i.d. 


* not entire section is covered


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P.O. Box 12646, Miami, Florida 33101
Electronic mail  
General Information: rameaup@fiu.edu
On MSN or Yahoo, use screen name: pavlovrameau; on AOL, use: doctorrameau.
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Send mail to rameaup@fiu.edu with questions or comments about this web site.  Copyright © 2003-07 Pavlov Rameau, Ph.D.  All rights reserved.  The opinions expressed on this site do not necessarily reflect those of Florida International University.   They are Dr. Rameau's and should be interpreted with the sense of humor that is at their source.   Copies, links and references to other authors are protected under the "educational purpose" section of the U.S. copyright laws.  Last automatically updated 09/12/2010 10:48:33 AM. 
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