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Summer-A 2008

Handouts to print. To view these, your computer must have Adobe Acrobat Reader.  To download this free software, go to  www.adobe.com

Logic Supplement lecture examples

Click here to see power point presentation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 on Logic

Sections 9.1 & 9.2 lecture examples
Section 9.3 lecture examples
Section 9.4 lecture examples
Section 9.5 lecture examples
Section 9.6 lecture examples
Section 10.1 lecture examples
Sections 10.2 & 10.3 lecture examples
Section 10.5 lectures examples
Click here to see power point presentation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 on Counting Principle

Sections 11.1 & 11.2 lecture examples

Sections 11.3 & 11.4 lecture examples
Section 11.4 summary
Section 11.4 homework
Sections 1.2 & 2.1 lecture examples
Section 2.2 lecture examples
Sections 2.3 & 2.5 lecture examples
Chapters 7 & 8 lecture examples
Section 10.4 lecture examples
Section 10.4 additional homework




  Logic 3.1 Statements and Quantifiers
  Logic 3.2 Truth Tables

Logic 3.3





  Logic 3.4 More on Conditional
  Logic 3.4  
May28 Exam 1  

9.1, 9.2

Sets, Applications of Venn Diagrams





Basic concepts of Probability



Conditional Probability

  9.6 Independent events




Exam 2


  10.1, 10.2 Permutations and Combinations, Applications of Counting


Binomial Probability



Probability Distributions and Expected Value


11.1, 11.2

Frequency distribution, measure of central tendency, Measures of variation

  11.3, 11.4

Normal distribution, Binomial distribution
If you don’t have the Normal Table in your book, you may print out a copy of the standard normal table from this website:
You may also use it during exams, provided that there is nothing written on it.




July 23 Exam 3  


Quadratic equations

  2.5, 7.1 Linear inequalities, System of linear equations


Markov Chain

Aug. 6
in class.



FIU Final Exams schedule

no scrap paper, absolutely no cell phone (OFF, not vibrate, OFF), no sharing calculators, no book bags (leave them in the front)

Before seating, please show: simple (not graphic, not scientific) calculator with square root

Do not call me for grades, email me the exam keyword that proves me that it's you.




If you missed class, watch Mr. Rosenthal's online movies here.
Complete Solutions Manual (Requires username and password which I will give in class)
Where to go for free help
Why Logic is a matter of life and death
Need graph paper and the stores are closed? Print it out from here. You will need the Acrobat Reader mentioned above.
Table of Normal Probabilities You will need the Acrobat Reader mentioned above




Dr. Pavlov Rameau can be reached at:

Mailing address
P.O. Box 12646, Miami, Florida 33101
Electronic mail  
General Information: rameaup@fiu.edu
On MSN or Yahoo, use screen name: pavlovrameau; on AOL, use: doctorrameau.
or at the Foundation for the Advancement of Higher Education, Inc. FAdHiEd: To help all people reach their highest potential!
Send mail to rameaup@fiu.edu with questions or comments about this web site.  Copyright © 2003-07 Pavlov Rameau, Ph.D.  All rights reserved.  The opinions expressed on this site do not necessarily reflect those of Florida International University.   They are Dr. Rameau's and should be interpreted with the sense of humor that is at their source.   Copies, links and references to other authors are protected under the "educational purpose" section of the U.S. copyright laws.  Last automatically updated 09/12/2010 10:48:33 AM. 
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