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Summer 2009
In-Class Examples
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Test #1 problems:
Aug. 27: If you are new to using a graphing calculator, watch my video, How
to Use the TI-83 Calculator. It is available in the library for you to watch
on their machines. Go to the Audio/Video desk on the 5th floor and ask for call
number RESAV; 4.1
Sec. 1.2 #'s 13, 15, 17, 22, 25, 26
Sec. 1.2 #'s 19, 21, 27, 28
Sec. 1.3 #'s 9, 11, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 28
Sec. 1.4 #'s 7, 9, 11, 17 (skip the last part of c), 18-20, 23, 24
Sec. 1.5 #'s 1-11 (odd), 14, 15, 16, 19
Sec. 2.1 #'s 1-13(odd), 17, 19, 21-23, 25, 27, 28, 29
Quizzes for
Exam 1:
use last four digits of student id for password...
Test #2 problems:
Sec. 2.2: #'s 3, 25
Sec. 2.2 #'s 7a, 8, 9, 15, 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 30ab, 31
Sec. 2.3 #'s 1-3, 5, 7-9, 11, 13, 15, 17ab, 19b, 25, 27
Sec. 2.4 #'s 9-15, 17, 21, 22
Sec. 3.2 #'s 7-26 (The hints the text gives will not be given on the
Sec. 3.2 #'s 27, 30, 31, 34, 35 (for part a, you need to use cubic
regression to get the text's answer even though it looks linear), 37, 38. Sec.
3.3 #'s 7-20, 25, 28, 30, 33
Sec. 3.4 #'s 3, 5, 7, 17, 18, 20-22, 26-29, 33, 41, 46abd
Sec. 3.5 #'s 3ab, 5, 11-17, 19, 24-26, 30acd, 31, 35
Quizzes for Exam 2:
use last four digits of student id for password...
Test #3 problems:
Sec. 4.1 #'s 1, 3, 13ab, 15, 17, 19, 23 (use cubic regression for the US
and Canada in part a)
Sec. 4.1 #'s 5, 21, 25
Sec. 4.2 #'s 1-15 (odd), 23, 27, 29, 31, 34abc. (for
#1, change "six" to "five")
Sec. 4.3 #'s 2ab, 11, 25b, 26b, 27a, 32, 33ab, 35, 47
We started section 5.1. No homework was
Sec. 5.1 #'s 20, 22 (the answer to part a has an error. The graph of the
second piece should be below the t-axis), 31ab (for part b use midpoint
rectangles instead of right rectangles)
Sec. 5.1 #'s 1, 5, 8, 12, 14, 25, 26
Sec. 5.1 #'s 9, 28, 29 and section 5.2 do all problems on
Sec. 5.2 #'s 3, 5abcd, 6ab and section 5.3 #'s 9, 11-14, 19, 20
Sec. 5.3 #’s 26, 30, 31 and section 5.4 #’s 13, 15 and do the following
definite integrals without using the Math 9 command.
Answer: 6 |
Answer: ½ |
Answer: 2 |
Sec. 5.4 #'s 16, 17, 21-23
Sec. 5.5 #'s 2, 4, 6, 10, 12
Review for test. No homework assigned.
Quizzes for
Exam 3:
use last four digits of student id for password...
Post-test #3 problems:
Sec. 9.1 #'s 1-4, 11ab, 12ab and section 9.2 #'s 1, 5-10, 12ab, 17
(change "yield" in the first sentence to "rate" and in part d change APY to APR)
Sec. 9.3 #'s 1, 4, 6, 7, 9-21 (odd), 23ab, 26, 35abc
Sec. 10.2 #'s 1-6 from
Sec. 6.2 #'s 1a, 3, 5, 6, 7a, 8a, 10-12, 13a
Section 10.2 Homework
No homework was assigned.
Sec. 6.3 #'s 9, 11ab
Practice for Final Exam. Click here
Tuesdays |
May 5 |
Section 1.2 |
Sections 1.2 (cont.) and 1.3 |
Section 1.3 (cont.) |
May 12 |
Section 1.4 |
Section 1.4 (cont.) |
Sections 1.4 (cont.) |
May 19 |
Section 1.5 |
Section 1.5 (cont.) |
Sections 1.5 (cont.) & 2.1 |
May 26 |
Section 2.2 |
May 28
Test #1 covering 1.2-2.1 |
Sections 2.2 (cont.) & 2.3 |
June 2 |
Section 2.3 (cont.) |
Section 2.4 |
Sections 2.4 (cont.) & 3.2 |
June 9 |
Sections 3.3 and 3.4 |
Section 3.4 (cont.) |
Section 3.5 |
June 16 |
Section 4.1 |
June 18
Test #2 covering 2.2-3.5 |
Sections 4.1 (cont.) & 4.2 |
June 23 |
Section 4.2 (cont.) |
Section 4.3 |
Section 4.3 (cont.) |
June 30 |
Section 5.1 |
Section 5.1 (cont.) |
Section 5.2 |
July 7 |
Section 5.2 (cont.) |
Section 5.3 |
Sections 5.3 (cont.) & 5.4 |
July 14 |
Section 5.4 (cont.) |
Section 5.5 |
Section 5.5 (cont.) |
July 21 |
Review |
June 23
Test #3 covering 4.1-5.5 |
Section 9.1 |
July 28 |
Section 9.2 |
Section 9.3 |
August 4 |
Section 10.2 |
Section 6.2 & 6.3 |
August 6
Final Exam
(cumulative) |