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  Society for Research on Identity Formation
Thirteenth Annual Conference
March 23, 2006
San Francisco, California
The Program Committee invites poster submissions for the thirteenth annual meeting of the Society for Research on Identity Formation, which will be held as a pre-conference Special Interest Group (SIG) meeting of The Society for Research on Adolescence conference hotel (Hilton San Francisco Hotel) on Thursday, March 23, 2006, from 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. For information on the SRA conference and hotel accommodations, please see the SRA website at http://www.s-r-a.org/.

As has become tradition for the SRIF meetings held in conjunction with SRA, this year's program will include an opening roundtable, beginning at 8:00 am, a brief business meeting, and a poster session (please note - we are accepting only poster submissions). We are also planning to hold a dinner event on Thursday evening that will begin with our business meeting and conclude with a speaker, Dr. Sally Archer, who will speak on "How might sexuality fit into the scheme of one's identity?". So, as you plan for the SRA conference, think about keeping Thursday evening open! Details about the dinner will be distributed via the listserv as we get closer to conference time.

Poster proposals should address key issues of concern to identity researchers and theorists. SRIF is an interdisciplinary organization and strongly encourages submissions from all relevant fields. Due to space limitations, preference will be given to those submissions presenting projects with completed data analysis, but theoretical and pedagogical presentations are also welcome. All methodologies appropriate to the discipline, the data and the issue under study are acceptable (including small sample, single subject and descriptive designs). Submissions should summarize data already collected and must include sufficient report of data analysis for reviewers to evaluate it.

If you are interested in submitting a poster proposal, it is important that you read this document carefully and pay close attention to the instructions while you are preparing your proposal(s). If you have questions, please contact the program committee (listed below). Improperly prepared proposals will NOT be reviewed.

Instructions for Preparing Poster Submissions

Posters should present the results of a single study or series of related studies. We will also consider poster submissions that are research proposals and theoretical or pedagogical work, though priority will be given to completed projects.

Include in your submission:
* A cover page with:
a. Poster title
b. The name, institutional affiliation, mailing address and email address of the first author.
c. The name and institutional affiliation of all co-authors.
* A 100-word abstract. Please follow the format in the example below.
* A 500 word (maximum) summary of the presentation including the title, but no authors. Up to 2 figures or tables and key references may also be included (and excluded from your word count).

Submission deadlines:
In order to facilitate planning for those of you needing to come from long distances and/or arrange finances with your universities, we are using a two-tier review process again this year:
1. So long as they are topical, related to some aspect of identity and in the required submission format, all poster submissions received by OCTOBER 28th, 2005 will be accepted.
2. Poster submissions received by January 27th, 2006 will be critically reviewed for presentation and will be subject to space considerations. As above, they must be topical, related to some aspect of identity and in the required submission format.

Instructions for sending your submissions via e-mail:
* Each submission must be sent as an attachment in Microsoft Word or text format. Do not send the proposal in the body of an email message.
* Save the cover page and abstract in one document. The file name should be yourlastname_abs.doc (or .txt for text files). Save the proposal (titles included, author names not included) in another document. The file name should be yourlastname_pro.doc (or .txt for text files). Include BOTH documents as attachments in ONE email. Do NOT send multiple emails for one proposal.
* If submitting more than one proposal, each proposal must be sent in a separate email. To distinguish between proposals, add a number after your name on the file. For example, your second submission would be titled yourlastname2_pro.doc.

Send email submissions to:
The "subject" line should read "SRIF submission"

Abstracts for the Conference Program
Abstracts for all accepted submissions will be included in the conference program. To facilitate compilation of the conference program, abstracts must be in the format below and must be no longer than a maximum of 100 words. As noted above, abstracts must be submitted in either Microsoft Word or text format.

Format for Abstracts:
First Author, Second Author, etc.
A brief - maximum of 100 words - description of the presentation.

For example:
Kristina Houck and Janet Gebelt
Erikson theorized that identity cohesion must exist before entering into intimate relationships. Furthermore, both identity cohesion and intimacy skills should correlate with psychological health. This study examines the relationships among identity, intimacy, and depression. Participants completed Eriksonian measures of identity and intimacy and the Beck Depression Inventory. Simple linear regressions showed that level of identity cohesion predicts intimacy skills for both men and women. Hierarchical regressions showed that identity alone predicts depression and that intimacy adds further predictive power. This was true for both men and women. Results are discussed in terms of identity and intimacy being safeguards against depression.

We look forward to receiving your submissions.

Your 2006 SRIF Program Committee:

Steve Berman (Chair) sberman@ucf.edu
Kristine Anthis anthisk1@southernct.edu
Laura Ferrer-Wreder lwreder@mail.barry.edu
Durell Johnson hdj2@psu.edu
Seth Schwartz sschwartz@med.miami.edu
Kazumi Sugimura kazumi.sugimura@nifty.ne.jp
Andrea White awhite@ithaca.edu
Ani Yazedjian ani@txstate.edu

2006 SRIF Conference

March 23, 2006
San Francisco, California

Registration Required

 Register in Advance to Avoid the Late Fee for Onsite Registration

Due to expenses associated with hosting the conference, there is a small registration fee for attending the Thursday morning SRIF meeting. Only registered individuals (pre- or onsite) may attend. Advance registration is required to avoid the late fee ($5) for Onsite Registration. The advance registration fee is 

  • $10.00 for faculty/professionals
  • $5.00 for students.

There are three methods for registration:

  • Online registration (preferred)
  • Registration by mail
  • Onsite Registration

ImportantRegular and new members may also renew their membership or join the society at the same time they advance register for the conference

For online registration (and/or membership renewal) click here (Online Membership) and follow the directions.

For registration by mail (and/or membership renewal) click here (Mail in Membership)  to download a PDF copy of the SRIF application/renewal. Follow directions on form and send check with application.

For onsite registration can be done in person prior to the start of the Thursday morning meetings. Onsite registration is planned for 8:00am to 9:00am.

Copyright © 2005 [Society for Research on
Identify Formation]. All rights reserved.
Revised: October 01, 2005